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View all building handbooks here


Elementary Curriculum

The elementary curriculum handbooks provide parents with grade level information about the Midland Public School's (K-5) curriculum. The elementary curriculum was developed using the Michigan Academic Standards. An explanation of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) is part of the handbook, along with information to guide parents in the understanding of quarterly report cards. Please refer to the handbooks throughout the school year if you have questions regarding the PYP, curriculum, or grade level expectations. If you have questions that are not answered in the handbook, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.

Parent Preschool Handbook

Developmental Kindergarten Handbook

Kindergarten Curriculum Handbook 2024-25

First Grade Curriculum Handbook 2024-25

Second Grade Curriculum Handbook 2024-25

Third Grade Curriculum Handbook 2024-25

Fourth Grade Curriculum Handbook 2024-25

Fifth Grade Curriculum Handbook 2024-25

Elementary IB Primary Years Program Resources 

Fifth Grade Transition - Pathways to Middle School Success

High School Curriculum

Graduation requirements, course descriptions, and career pathways are available in our comprehensive Course Offering Guide document.

Secondary (6-12) Course Offering Guide

High School Course Request Sheet

Duel Enrollment Information

International Baccalaureate The IB Diploma Programme is an academically challenging and balanced programme of education that prepares students for successes at university and life beyond. eLearning Students can recover and protect high school credits with this online program. MPS Testing Guides Confused by the M-STEP, ACT, PSAT, SAT and MME? Visit our guide to standardized tests.

Course Pathways

Each curricular area has developed a document that shows the options for course selection that would lead to a student completing a program sequence. Some sequences are required for graduation, others may be electives. These course pathway documents facilitate planning.

HS Language Arts Course Pathways

HS Mathematics Course Pathways

HS Science Course Pathways

HS Social Studies Course Pathways

HS Art Course Pathways

HS Career & Technical Information Pathways

HS PE Health Course Pathways

HS Music Course Pathways

HS World Language Course Pathways

Post Graduation Opportunities

Available Scholarships - H. H. Dow High School
Available Scholarships - Midland High School
Post Graduation Opportunities

Core Curriculum
English Language Arts
Social Studies

Elective Areas
Career & Technical Education
Health & Physical Education
World Language

Other Resources
Early Middle College 
Marking Periods 
Cross Grading - Elementary
International Baccalaureate
Testing Guides
Personal Curriculum
School Improvement
Special Services
View our STEM Endorsement here

Please contact our office for assistance.
Penny Miller-Nelson
Associate Superintendent of
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
(989) 923-5081

Rita Klumpp
Administrative Assistant